Dynamics of Social Innovation to Create Sustainability Case Study: Crabs Bank in Phum Riang Subdistrict Chaiya Suratthani Province


  • Kanokkul Phetuthai Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Suratthani Rajabhat University




Crabs bank, Social innovation, Sustainability, Dynamics


This qualitative research study explores the dynamics of social innovation for sustainability through a case study of the Crabs bank Project in Phum Riang Subdistrict, Chaiya District, Surat Thani Province. Employing methods such as area context observation and informal interviews, the study aims to examine the local community context, the challenges faced by the Blue Crab Bank Project, and the sustainable application of social innovation concepts. Currently, there are two blue swimming crab bank projects—municipal and local community-based—operating under the banner "The Truth Group releases blue swimming crabs into the Thai Sea" to address the issue of degrading coastal resources and dwindling blue crab populations. Despite facing budget constraints, the project's management has established a committee comprising community representatives who emphasize the importance of enforcing regulations, such as prohibiting the capture of small crabs, and fostering collaborative thought processes and activities centered around the local community. This approach aims to raise awareness among the community, government agencies, and private sectors involved in restoring and conserving coastal marine resources, ultimately guiding the sustainable management of the blue crab bank project.


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How to Cite

Phetuthai, K. (2023). Dynamics of Social Innovation to Create Sustainability Case Study: Crabs Bank in Phum Riang Subdistrict Chaiya Suratthani Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(1), 165–183. https://doi.org/10.14456/lar.2023.9



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