The Efficiency of logistics management of Tourists in Chumphon Province


  • Patcharida Poarsai Faculuty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University
  • Chinnaso Visitnitikija Faculty of Business Administration, Kasem Bundit University



Tourism Logistics Management, The Efficiency of logistics management of tourists



The objectives of this research were to study 1) Logistics management for tourism 2) Efficiency of logistics management of tourists 3) Comparison of logistics management efficiency of tourists Classified by personal data 4) Logistics management for tourism influencing the efficiency of logistics management of tourists in Chumphon province. A questionnaire of 400 sets was used. It is a tool for data collection and statistics used in data analysis, namely, percentage, mean. The statistics used to test the hypothesis were t-test, ANOVA analysis, F-test (One-way ANOVA) and Multiple Regression Analysis. The research results showed that most of them were female, aged 20-29 years, single status, bachelor degree. being a company employee The average monthly income is more than 30,000 baht. Traveling in Chumphon for the first time. The number of people traveling 1-3 people come to relax. from Bangkok Tourism Logistics Management Efficiency of logistics management of tourists in Chumphon is at a very important level, age, occupation. Number of times traveling Number of people traveling current province Different efficient logistics management of tourists in Chumphon province. different physical movement of information and financial movement Influencing the efficiency of logistics management of tourists in Chumphon Province. Statistically significant at the .05 level.



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How to Cite

Poarsai, P., & Visitnitikija, C. (2023). The Efficiency of logistics management of Tourists in Chumphon Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(1), 85–110.



Research Articles