Innovation Development FROM Folk Art to Promote the 2st Century Learning Skills of Students in Ban Wang Saphung School, Wang Saphung Sub-Dsitrict, Wang Saphung Dsitrict, Loei Province


  • Patthira Phon-ngam North Bangkok
  • Nasrung Konvimon Director of Loei Kindergarten School, Loei Province



innovation, Folk art, Promote learning skills in the 21st century


The innovation development from folk art to promote the 21st century learning skills of students in Ban Wang Saphung School, Loei Province was a research and development project. Target groups included teachers and administrators at Ban Wang Saphung School, community scholars, experts and wisdom teachers, and students totaling 50 participants. Data collection was done through in-depth interviews, focus group discussions and brainstorming. Content analysis was used for qualitative data analysis. Results of innovation development from folk art included 3 innovations: 1) folk song innovations, 2) folk dance innovations and 3) folk music innovations. Results of bringing the innovations to trial for 1 semester (4 months) through new activities that had not been implemented before in schools were as follows: 1) In terms of folk song innovations, the students were assigned to form groups to compose folk songs and perform performances from folk songs. 2) In terms of the folk-dance innovations, there were two activities: (1) folk drama performances, and (2) presentation of costumes from folk dancing arts. 3) In terms of folk music innovations, there were 2 activities: (1) teaching folk music with modern technology and (2) folk music creativity contest. After bringing the innovation to trial with students, it produced good results. Students became creative in composing folk songs, designing costumes and designing folk dance performances. They had teamwork skills and could use technology creatively.


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How to Cite

Phon-ngam, P., & Konvimon, N. . . (2023). Innovation Development FROM Folk Art to Promote the 2st Century Learning Skills of Students in Ban Wang Saphung School, Wang Saphung Sub-Dsitrict, Wang Saphung Dsitrict, Loei Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(2), 83–99.



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