The Local Curriculum Development “Love Bangsaothong” to enhance Knowledge and Attitude Local for Matthayom 1 students in Bangsaothong District, Samut Prakan Province


  • Wuthipong Thongkon Faculty of Liberal Arts, Huachiew chalermprakiet University
  • Patumma Bumpentan Faculty of communication Arts, Huachiew chalermprakiet University
  • Ratana Timmuang Faculty of communication Arts, Huachiew chalermprakiet University



Local Curriculum, Curriculum Development, Bangsaothong


The main purpose of this study was to develop The Local Curriculum Development “Love Bangsaothong” to enhance Knowledge and Attitude Local for Matthayom 1 students in Bangsaothong District, Samut Prakan Province which there were 4 steps of research methodology as follows: The first step was the study of fundamental data. surveying and inquiring development’s the necessary needs to improve the curriculum in order to bring the information to determine the processing to develop the curriculum. It was found that the curriculum has to focus in arts and culture, wisdom, and tradition through a learning process to enhance knowledge and attitude to their local as part of preserving culture to remain local of Bangsaothong District. The second step was the curriculum design. The curriculum draft was designed consist of the consequence, the vision, the principle, the goal, the competencies of learners, the character education, the course structure, the organizing study materials, the media and learning resources, the measurement and evaluation which has provided course descriptions and lesson planning consist of 5 learning units total 20 hours. Then the curriculum draft was carefully considered by 5 experts with regard to its appropriateness and consistency. The results of the appropriateness of the components of the curriculum outline overall, it was at the highest-level was  = 4.67. The results of the conformity of the curriculum outline in overall, it was 0.99 This resulted shown than the course outline is consistent in all point. The third step was curriculum implementation. The curriculum was evaluated using the 27 Grade seven students in the 2nd Semester Academic Year 2021 from Wat Hua Koo school for 20 hours duration. It was a one - group experiment design with a pre-test and post-test. The data were analyzed by using dependent t-test. It was found that the results of the students with academic achievement after post learning were higher than pre learning at .01 statistical level of significance and the results of comparing the attitude towards locality of students studying with the curriculum found that post-learning was higher than pre - learning at .01 statistical level of significance. The fourth step was curriculum evaluation and revision. It was found from the findings of the curriculum implementation that curriculum, the students have opinions on the course operations. overall, at a high-level (x̄ = 4.18) and the curriculum was improved and complete course manual by the researcher.


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How to Cite

Thongkon, W., Bumpentan, P. ., & Timmuang, R. . (2023). The Local Curriculum Development “Love Bangsaothong” to enhance Knowledge and Attitude Local for Matthayom 1 students in Bangsaothong District, Samut Prakan Province. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(1), 1–21.



Research Articles