Self- Acceptance Experiences of Dependent Older Adults


  • Jantika Limpongstorn Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University
  • Arunya Tuicomepee Faculty of Psychology, Chulalongkorn University



Self-acceptance, Dependent elderly, Qualitative study


This study aimed to examine self-acceptance experiences of dependent older adults. Key informants consisted of five older adults who require assistance from others to perform independent activities of daily living. Data was collected via in-depth, semi-structured interview.  Findings revealed three main themes of self-acceptance experiences. Theme 1 “declining health caused dependency” included four subthemes: 1.1) declining health resulted from illness and aging, 1.2) limitations in daily living led to dependency, 1.3) feelings of frustration worry and discourage when cannot do the activities like before, and 1.4) feeling uncomfortable in being a burden. Theme 2 “relationships and spiritual anchor helped one to make peace with themselves when relying on others” included two subthemes: 2.1) care and concern from other people and 2.2) religious practices and spiritual anchor. Theme 3 “understand existing changes, able to embrace dependency, and self-acceptance” included two subthemes: 3.1) realize and understand existing changes and eventually be able to embrace dependency and 3.2) accept oneself and embrace the changes.


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How to Cite

Limpongstorn, J., & ตุ้ยคําภีร์ อ. . (2023). Self- Acceptance Experiences of Dependent Older Adults. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(2), 18–40.



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