Implication and Political reflections on the tribute system relations between Siam and China In the reign of King Naresuan


  • Samran Phondee Faculty of Science and Health Technology, Navamindradhiraj University



Siam-China relations, Tribute system, King Naresuan


This article aimed to analyze the ethics and political reflections that arise from the relationships in the literary system between Siam and China during the rule of the monarchy. Which was found that in the reign of King Naresuan, the monarchs had sent the Wanli emperor the tribute for surrendering (B.E.2135/ A.D.2591). A series of such ambassadors submitted a proposal from Ayutthaya to help China wage war with Japan. Those offerings were important both in trade and politics, such as in trade. He aimed to profit from trade in the tribute system to restore the economy to the country while the political field believed that it needed to receive either help or support from China in waging a war with Myanmar. Although the offer was later rejected, the effort also reflected the historical context of the period in many dimensions. The following examples were stated in this relation, 1) the trade benefits of the alliance with China were still of great importance to Ayutthaya; 2) the image of Ayutthaya in the eyes of the Chinese aristocrats improved; 3) China began to see Ayutthaya’s political importance as greater; and 4) King Naresuan was displeased with the Chinese refusal of Ayutthaya's offers.


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How to Cite

Phondee, S. (2023). Implication and Political reflections on the tribute system relations between Siam and China In the reign of King Naresuan. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 18(2), 245–261.



Academic Articles