Verbal and Nonverbal Communication for Cross-Cultural Communication: a Case Study of International Affairs between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand and Higher Educational Institutes in People’s Republic of China


  • Patcharin Buranakorn Faculty of Liberal Arts, Huachiew chalermprakiet University



Using Verbal and Nonverbal, Cross-Cultural Communication, International Affairs, Huachiew Chalermprakiet University, Higher Educational Institutes in People’s Republic of China


This qualitative research aims to analyze verbal and nonverbal communication used in international affairs, focusing on academic cooperation, between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University (HCU), in Thailand, and higher educational institutes in People’s Republic of China.  Twenty-four research samples were purposively selected, including five individuals from HCU, and nineteen individuals from eleven higher educational institutes engaged in academic cooperation with HCU. The research identifies three tactics used in verbal communication in cross-cultural contexts: 1) Academic terms normally used in education industry and related to international affairs. 2) Specific terms or pronouns that emphasize job position, academic title, or qualification, and which should be used in accordance with the other party's customs to show respect and honor. 3) Languages used in cross-cultural communication primarily include Thai and Chinese, with English documents sometimes utilized. In terms of non-verbal communication, six aspects are observed: 1) Greeting manners, introductions in order, exchanging business cards, paying respects, shaking hands, smiling, and gently nodding. 2) Dress code, which should be polite and formal, including wearing national costumes when appropriate. 3) Facial expressions that are suitable for the situation. 4) Conference seating arrangements, where the Thai side prefers to have the president sit at the head of the table, while the Chinese side prefers to have the president sit in the middle of the table and facing each other. 5) The use of signs, with both sides attaching importance to the use of the institution's name and logo on various occasions. 6) The selection of gifts that represent an institution, city, or nation, which should be properly considered for cross-cultural communication between Thailand and China in international affairs.


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How to Cite

JIANG, N., & Buranakorn, P. . (2024). Verbal and Nonverbal Communication for Cross-Cultural Communication: a Case Study of International Affairs between Huachiew Chalermprakiet University in Thailand and Higher Educational Institutes in People’s Republic of China. Academic and Research Journal of Liberal Arts (Online), 19(1), 38–59.



Research Articles