Management Development of Strategic Human Resource of Sub-District Administrative Organizatlon in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province


  • Kodchanon Payappruek Stamford International University


Strategy, Development, Human Resources


This research aimed to study: (1) level of Management Development of Strategic Human Resource of Sub-District Administrative Organizatlon in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province (2) the learning organization of Subdistrict Administration Organization in Mueang Phetchaburi District. Phetchaburi Province (3) learning organization with logical reasoning and the strategy for human resource development of the subdistrict administrative organization in Mueang Phetchaburi District. Phetchaburi Province. The sample group used in the research was the personnel working in the subdistrict administrative organization in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi province, amount 138 people. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test and Multiple Regression Analysis.   Findings: (1) Development strategies human resources of Subdistrict Administration Organization in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province in overall and in each aspect, development strategies were at a high level. (2) The learning organization found that in general, and in each aspect, there is a high level of opinions. (3) The learning organization as a whole has a conceptual pattern In having a shared vision Team learning and the systematic thinking there is a causal relationship between the strategy and human resource development of the subdistrict administrative organization in Mueang District, Phetchaburi Province. Phetchaburi Province With statistical significance of .001.


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How to Cite

Payappruek, K. (2020). Management Development of Strategic Human Resource of Sub-District Administrative Organizatlon in Mueang Phetchaburi District Phetchaburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(2), 1–12. retrieved from