The development of work competencies of local administrative organizations Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

The development of work competencies of local administrative organizations Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province


  • Piyawan Katedee Stamford International University


การพัฒนา, สมรรถนะ, องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น


This research aimed to study: (1) level of competency development of local administrative organization personnel, Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province (2) the operational factors of the personnel of the local government organization (LAO), Bang Saphan District Prachuap Khirikhan Province (3) work factors with logical reasoning and the development of job performance of the staff of the local government organization (LAO), Bang Saphan District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province The sample group used in the research was the personnel of the local government organization (LAO) in Bang Saphan District. Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, consisting of 146 people. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test and Multiple Regression Analysis.  Findings: (1) Operational factors found that in overall and in each aspect there is a high level of opinions. (2) Performance development in overall and in each aspect, opinions were at a high level. (3) performance factors job progress and in relation to colleagues have a logical-effect relationship with performance development statistical significance at the level of .001 in support of supervisors have a logical-effect relationship with performance development with statistical significance at the level of .01 and the nature of work performed have a logical-effect relationship with performance development with statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

Katedee, P. (2020). The development of work competencies of local administrative organizations Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province: The development of work competencies of local administrative organizations Bang Saphan District, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(2), 13–24. retrieved from