Effectiveness the implementation of the PMQA policy to comply with good governance of Phetchaburi Central Prison


  • Akekarak Thumma Stamford International University


Effectiveness, Quality Management Criteria for Public Sector (PMQA), good governance principles


(1) level of effectiveness in implementing the Public Sector Management Quality Development Criteria of the Phetchaburi Central Prison (2) the principles of good governance in work Of Phetchaburi Central Prison. (3) the principles of good governance in work. Having a logical-effect relationship And the effectiveness of implementing the Public Sector Management Quality Management Criteria of the Phetchaburi Central Prison. The sample group consisted of 108 personnel working in the Department of Corrections in Phetchaburi Prison.. Data were treated and analyzed by using descriptive and Inferential Statistics methods, which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test and Multiple Regression Analysis.

          Findings: (1) Good governance principles in operation overall, each aspect was in a high level. (2) Effectiveness of the implementation of the PMQA's policy on quality development criteria in the overall and each aspect was at a high level. (3). work rule of law and the moral principles There is a rational relationship with the effectiveness of the policy, criteria for quality development of public administration with statistically significant level .001 in terms of responsibility. There is a rational relationship with the effectiveness of the policy, criteria for quality development of public administration with statistical significance at .01 in terms of value. There is a rational relationship with the effectiveness of the policy, criteria for quality development of public administration with statistical significance at the level of .05.


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How to Cite

Thumma, A. (2020). Effectiveness the implementation of the PMQA policy to comply with good governance of Phetchaburi Central Prison. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(2), 65–78. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/240873