The development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province

The development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province


  • Jutamas Subsande


Quality of life development, The elderly, The elderly society, Local administrative organizations


The objectives of the study were 1) to study level of development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province 2) to study factors in the elderly’s welfare to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district 3) to study factors in the elderly’s welfare with a causal relationship with the development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district. The sample of the study was 146 elderly, aged 60 years old, in Nong Ya Plong district. The statistics employed in the study were descriptive statistics and inferential statistics. Research were found that; 1) The improvement of the quality of life of the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province, the quality of life development was at a moderate level in terms of overall image. With the development of quality of life in terms of physical, rights and liberties was at a high level, and areas with a quality of life development was at a moderate level, including mental and environmental aspects 2) The factor of elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district was at a high level of welfare arrangement in terms of overall image. In terms of welfare was at a very high level which is included subsistence allowance, giving advice, consulting or other actions to solve family problems, medical and public health services, facilitation and safety in buildings, places, vehicles and other public services respectively. In welfare management was at a moderate level, including self-development and social activities 3) The factors in the elderly’s welfare, medical and public health services and the allowance of subsistence allowance. There was a causal relationship with the development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society in local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district with statistical significance at the level of .01 and factors in the elderly’s welfare, self-development and social activities was a causal relationship with the development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province with statistical significance at the level of .05


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How to Cite

Subsande, J. . (2020). The development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province: The development of the quality of life for the elderly to support the elderly society of local administrative organizations in Nong Ya Plong district Phetchaburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(1), 65–76. retrieved from