Strategic Leadership in Natural Tourism Development at Pak Nam Pran Beach Municipality of Pak Nam Pran Pranburi Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

Strategic Leadership in Natural Tourism Development at Pak Nam Pran Beach Municipality of Pak Nam Pran Pranburi Prachuap Khiri Khan Province


  • Apichai Chumchai Stamford International University


Strategic leadership, development, tourism


This research aimed to study: (1) level of strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism in Pak Nam Pran Beach Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District (2) factors affecting strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism in Pak Nam Pran Beach Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District (3) factors affecting strategic leadership, rational relationship with strategic leadership in natural tourism development in Pak Nam Pran Beach, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province The sample group used in the research was representatives of households in Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality. Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, amount 122 people. Data were treated by using descriptive statistics, which were percentage, mean, and standard deviation and Inferential Statistics, which were Chi-square Test and Multiple Regression Analysis. Findings: (1) Strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism in Pak Nam Pran Beach Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province In overall and in each aspect, leadership was at a high level. In order as follows: Leadership style Leadership And reformed leadership (2) factors affecting strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism in Pak Nam Pran Beach Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan province found that in the overview and in each aspect Affecting leadership at a high level. Arranged in the following order: challenge, in-depth knowledge Open environment and internal motivation. (3) Factors affecting overall strategic leadership in depth knowledge Internal motivation and challenges There is a causal relationship with the strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism at Pak Nam Pran Beach. Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province Significance at 0.001 and factors affecting strategic leadership Open environment There is a causal relationship with the strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism at Pak Nam Pran Beach. Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of .01 (4) personal characteristics such as monthly income There is a relationship with strategic leadership in the development of natural tourism at Pak Nam Pran Beach. Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Municipality Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of .05 (5) personal characteristics of the respondents, found that most are female Not over 30 years old, have a bachelor's degree or higher, have a career in civil service / state enterprise and have a monthly income of not more than 15,000 baht.


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How to Cite

Chumchai , A. (2020). Strategic Leadership in Natural Tourism Development at Pak Nam Pran Beach Municipality of Pak Nam Pran Pranburi Prachuap Khiri Khan Province: Strategic Leadership in Natural Tourism Development at Pak Nam Pran Beach Municipality of Pak Nam Pran Pranburi Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(3), 45–58. retrieved from