Quality of Working Life and Work Efficiency of Government Officials Under The Ministry of Industry

Quality of Working Life and Work Efficiency of Government Officials Under The Ministry of Industry


  • Sudarat Subin Ramkhamhaeng University


quality of working life, work efficiency, Ministry of Industry


The research aims to 1) study work efficiency of government officials under the Ministry of Industry and 2) investigate the relationships between quality of working life and work efficiency of government officials under the Ministry of Industry. The population of the study was 400 government officials under the Ministry of Industry by using accidental sampling. The instrument used in the study was a questionnaire and the data was analyzed by means of frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, and correction analysis. The results revealed that work quality of government officials under the Ministry of Industry consisted of three sections; quality, quantity, and rapidness. The holistic attitude of the officials was at high level which was 3.98. Having been considered in individual sections, the attitudes of the officials were at high level. The mean of rapidness of working was 4.08, and the quality of work was 3.95 while the quantity of work was 3.90. According to the relationships between quality of working life and work efficiency of government officials under the Ministry of Industry, the result was at R = 0.446 when considered holistically. On the other hand; considered individually quality of working life and work efficiency, the quality of work was R = 0.425. The quantity of work was R = 0.480 and the rapidness of working was R = 0.248. The result disclosed positively statistical significance at 0.05.


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How to Cite

Subin, S. (2020). Quality of Working Life and Work Efficiency of Government Officials Under The Ministry of Industry: Quality of Working Life and Work Efficiency of Government Officials Under The Ministry of Industry. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(3), 77–88. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/244138