Quality of Service of Plumbing in the area of Wangpong Provincial Administration Organization, Pranburi Distric, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province

Quality of Service of Plumbing in the area of Wangpong Provincial Administration Organization, Pranburi Distric, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province


  • Aphichart Suksumake Stamford International University


Service Quality, Service Provision, Plumbing Work


This research aims to study 1) level of service quality of the waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province 2) factors of service of the waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District 3) factors of services of the waterworks work, there is a logical relationship with the quality of waterworks services. In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization, Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province The sample group used in the research was a representative of households who came to use the water supply services in the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization. Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province, amount 122 people. Data were treated by using descriptive statistics, which were percentage, mean, and standard deviation and Inferential Statistics, which were Chi-square Test and Multiple Regression Analysis. It was found that: 1) Service quality of waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province In the overall and in each aspect Service quality is at a high level. The order is as follows: Response, Recognition, and Understanding Assurance Materialization of service And reliability 2) factors affecting the quality of service of the waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan province found that in the overview and in each aspect There is a high level of practice. The order is as follows: Staff Performance, Process Leadership / Service Procedures And public relations 3) the factors of providing services of the waterworks in the overall leadership style Public relations And the operation of the staff There is a logical-effecting relationship with the service quality of the waterworks. In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With the statistical significance of .001 and the factors of service of the waterworks Service process/process There is a logical relationship with the quality of service of the waterworks. In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of .01 4) personal characteristics, such as occupation, have a relationship with the quality of service of the waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of .01 and monthly income Is related to the quality of service of the waterworks In the area of Wang Phong Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District Prachuap Khiri Khan Province With statistical significance at the level of .05 5) personal characteristics of the respondents, found that most are female Not over 30 years old or equivalent, bachelor's degree, general employment And have a monthly income of not more than 15,000 baht.


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How to Cite

Suksumake, A. (2020). Quality of Service of Plumbing in the area of Wangpong Provincial Administration Organization, Pranburi Distric, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province: Quality of Service of Plumbing in the area of Wangpong Provincial Administration Organization, Pranburi Distric, Prachuap Khiri Khan Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(3), 89–102. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/245657