The Development of Mandarin Tonal Pronunciation Skills of Chinese Language Course Students For Communication Through Task-based learning


  • Sutinee Wongwattananukui Chinese Major Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences Thepsatri Rajabhat University


pronunciation skills, Mandarin tonal pronunciation, Task-based learning


The purposes of this research are to develop Mandarin tonal pronunciation skills of the students enrolling in Chinese Language for Communication through Task-based learning and to study the students’ satisfaction towards Mandarin tonal pronunciation through Task-based learning. Due to obstacles found in the previous course of Chinese Language for Communication, the students had to learn Mandarin tonal pronunciation and encountered several problems. This research was semi-experimental research and the sample group was purposively selected from 27 students with student code 611749101, majoring in human resources department who enrolled in Chinese Language for Communication. The instruments were Mandarin tonal pronunciation test, recording sheet, and the questionnaire studying students’ satisfaction towards Chinese Language for Communication through task-based learning. The researcher was designed into four steps; pre-action, knowledge building, comprehension, and practice to develop Mandarin tonal pronunciation through Task-based learning. The results revealed that most students had difficulties in topic one which was basic tonal pronunciation. Therefore, the researchers employed task-based learning which was designed into four steps to develop the students’ pronunciation. After the students had been assigned to practice the pronunciation through task-based learning, they improved their pronunciation with the average 23. The students’ satisfaction was at high level. The research suggested that teaching and learning designs should most focus on individual task so that every student was able to practice and develop Mandarin tonal pronunciation skills. In addition, task-based learning can solve the pronunciation problem of individual student effectively.


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How to Cite

Wongwattananukui , S. (2020). The Development of Mandarin Tonal Pronunciation Skills of Chinese Language Course Students For Communication Through Task-based learning. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 2(3), 29–44. retrieved from