Participation in Household Solid Waste Management in Ang Thong Municipality Ang Thong Province

Participation in Household Solid Waste Management in Ang Thong Municipality Ang Thong Province


  • วีรศักดิ์ ขำเกิด คณะมนุษยศาสตร์และสังคมศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏเทพสตรี


Participation, Solid Waste, Municipality


This research aims to 1. Study on household solid waste management in Ang Thong Municipality. Ang Thong Province 2. Study the participation of people in the management of household solid waste in Ang Thong Municipality. Ang Thong Province and 3. To present a model of household solid waste management with participation of people in Ang Thong city area. Ang Thong Province The sample used in this research was people in Ang Thong Municipality. Ang Thong Province: 377 people and people involved in waste management of Ang Thong Municipality 12 people in Ang Thong Province analyzed the data using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. The data were analyzed using descriptive statistics such as percentage, mean, standard deviation. And text synthesis. The results of the study were as follows: 1. Solid waste management of Ang Thong Municipality. Public actionReduce the amount of household waste And sorting out solid waste by using different sorting methodsBefore throwing into the municipal waste bin The highest amount of solid waste that occurs is glass bottles, drinking water bottles And all other bottles 2. The participation in household solid waste management in Ang Thong Municipality was at a moderate level. Sorted as follows Participation in the operation Participating in receiving benefits Participation in decision-making and participation in receiving benefits 3. Participatory household solid waste management model of people in Ang Thong Municipality is to promote participation in solid waste management of all sectors according to the principle of "Pracharat" is the integration of Together with all government sectors From government agencies at the provincial or district level, municipalities, community leaders and people in the area To promote and support sustainable separation of each type of waste And take the sorted waste to be disposed of properly


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How to Cite

ขำเกิด ว. (2021). Participation in Household Solid Waste Management in Ang Thong Municipality Ang Thong Province: Participation in Household Solid Waste Management in Ang Thong Municipality Ang Thong Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(2), 13–30. retrieved from