The Development of the Quality of Life of the Elderly to Support the Aging Society According to the Government’s Policy in the Area of Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province

The Development of the Quality of Life of the Elderly to Support the Aging Society According to the Government’s Policy in the Area of Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province


  • Pronnapa Somsakun มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด


Development Quality of Life, Elderly Society, Government Policy


This research aims to study: 1) the level of the development on the quality of life of the elderly in order to support the aging society according to the government policy, in the area of Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administrative Organization, Pranburi District, PrachuapKhiri Khan Province; 2) the factors effecting the development on the quality of life of the elderly and 3) the cause-effect relationship between the factors effecting on the development of the quality of life of the elderly and the development on the quality of life of the elderly. The sample were 146 elderly people living in Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administrative Organization area. The data were analyzed using descriptive and inferential statistics which were percentage, mean, standard deviation, Chi-square test and Multiple Regression Analysis. The results suggested that: 1) the development on the elderly people’s quality of life, in overall, was at high level in each aspect. The highest was at environmental, following by psychological, social relationships and physical aspects, respectively; 2) the factors effecting the improvement on the elderly people’s quality of life, in overall and in each aspect, was practiced at high level. The highest was medical and public health services, following by providing advices and counseling to solve family problems, allowance for the elderly, social activities and the providing the convenience and safety in buildings, places, vehicles, and other public services, respectively and 3) the factors effecting on the improvement on the quality of life of the elderly such as the medical and public health services, the advices and counseling service to solve family problems and the allowance for the elderly, had the cause-effect relationship to the development of the quality of life of the elderly with the statistical significance at .001.


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How to Cite

Somsakun, P. (2021). The Development of the Quality of Life of the Elderly to Support the Aging Society According to the Government’s Policy in the Area of Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province: The Development of the Quality of Life of the Elderly to Support the Aging Society According to the Government’s Policy in the Area of Pak Nam Pran Subdistrict Administration Organization Pranburi District PrachuapKhiri Khan Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(2), 1–12. retrieved from