Activity Management for Improving the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Cane Farmers Group Association, Region 7

Activity Management for Improving the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Cane Farmers Group Association, Region 7


  • Adisak Saechee มหาวิทยาลัยนานาชาติแสตมฟอร์ด


Activity Management, Quality of Life, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy


This research aimed to study: 1) the level of activity management to improve the quality of life in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy of the Sugarcane Farmer Association Region 7 2) the application of the sufficiency economy philosophy of the Sugarcane Farmer Association Group Region 7 3) the application of the sufficiency economy philosophy having a rational relationship and the level of activity management to improve the quality of life in accordance with the sufficiency economy philosophy of the Sugarcane Farmer Association Region 7. The sample group were 130 people of the Sugarcane Farmer Association Region 7 in Tha Maka District. Kanchanaburi Province which is from Nonprobability sampling and Quota sampling Findings: 1) The activity management to improve the quality of life according to the sufficiency economy philosophy of the Sugar Cane Farmers Association Region 7, in overall, was at high level in each aspect in term of management. The order is as follows: generosity (sharing, helping each other), conservation and use of natural resources and the environment, savings, livelihoods, reducing expenses and increasing income. 2) the applying the sufficiency economy philosophy of the sugarcane farmers' association 7 in overall and in each aspect, was practiced at high level. The highest was moral conditions, rationality, having a good immunity, knowledge conditions and modesty, respectively 3) Application of the sufficiency economy philosophy Moderation Rational In terms of having good immunity and in terms of moral conditions, there is a rational relationship with the management of activities to improve the quality of life in accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Sugarcane Farmer Association Region 7, statistically significant at the level of .001


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How to Cite

Saechee, A. (2021). Activity Management for Improving the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Cane Farmers Group Association, Region 7: Activity Management for Improving the Quality of Life in Accordance with the Sufficiency Economy Philosophy of the Cane Farmers Group Association, Region 7. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(1), 55–66. retrieved from