Guidelines to Prevent Problems of Illegal Migrant Workers of Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office

Guidelines to Prevent Problems of Illegal Migrant Workers of Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office


  • นวคุณ รักซ้อน สำนักงานจังหวัดสระบุรี


Prevention Guidelines, Problems of Illegal Migrant Workers, Migrant Workers


This research aims to study: 1) the problems and obstacles to resolve the illegal migrant workers at Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office and 2) the model and guidelines to resolve the problems of illegal migrant workers at Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office. This qualitative research employed the in-depth interviews with 15 key informants who are working as the executive and operational staffs. The semi-structured interview was used to collect the data. The tri-angulation was use to evaluate the quality of data, and the collected data were analyzed using content analysis technique. The results suggested that: 1) the problems and obstacles to resolve the illegal migrant workers at Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office was at the moderate level. The most problematic issue was the prevention measures, following by (2) the spatial interception measures; (3) the suppression measures; (4) the measures to increase the efficiency of accessment on the illegal migrant labor networks in the area; (5) the measures to increase the efficiency in information notification; (6) the measures for the fast and accurate public relations; (7) the measures to help and remedy people who were affected by illegal foreign workers and (8) the measures to increase the efficiency of an integrated management with the related agencies, respectively. The appropriate guidelines to resolve the illegal migrant labor problems at the Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office were; (1) inform the district agencies to set up the check-points along the boundary area, and notify the local people to help inspecting the area; (2) district office took the role participating in the inspection of the local company and business; (3) provincial office needed to support the immigration and recruitment devisions with the personnel enhancement, and played the role in prosecuting the migrant foreign workers; (4) provide the training of public sector for the local people; (5) promote the effective inspection around the area; (6) promote and distribute the knowledge on law for the local people; (7) the provincial administration office needed to take the role as the coordinator with other organizations assissting those who had affects from the illegal migrant foreign workers and (8) Saraburi Provincial Government Office is the main hub for the Provincial Operation set that operated integratedly with various departments in preventing the illegal migrant foreign workers.


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How to Cite

รักซ้อน น. (2021). Guidelines to Prevent Problems of Illegal Migrant Workers of Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office: Guidelines to Prevent Problems of Illegal Migrant Workers of Saraburi Provincial Administrative Office. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(2), 47–62. retrieved from