The Government Procurement Operations with an Electronic Government Procurement (e – GP) of the Local Administrative Organizations in Muang District, Ang Thong Province

The Government Procurement Operations with an Electronic Government Procurement (e – GP) of the Local Administrative Organizations in Muang District, Ang Thong Province


  • อิทธิภาส ทองย้อย องค์กรปกครองส่วนท้องถิ่น


Government Procurement, Operations, Local Administrative Organizations


The purposes of this research are to study the government procurement operations using an electronic government procurement (e-GP) of the local administrative organizations in Muang District, Ang Thong Province, and to compare the organizations’ government procurement operations using the e-GP. The three hundred and ten business owners who traded with the local government organizations answered a questionnaire which had the reliability at 0.82. The data were analyzed using percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test and one-way ANOVA with F-test. When there was a statistical significance, a paired comparison by Scheffe was used to analyze such a significance of the data. The findings showed that the organizations’ government procurement operations using the e -GP, in overall, was at the high level. When considering on each aspect, the controlling aspect gained the highest mean, following by the organization management, planning and motivation, respectively. For the comparison of the organizations’ government procurement operations using the e -GP, it found that there were no significant differences on the operations regardless of the genders, ages and educational levels.


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How to Cite

ทองย้อย อ. (2021). The Government Procurement Operations with an Electronic Government Procurement (e – GP) of the Local Administrative Organizations in Muang District, Ang Thong Province: The Government Procurement Operations with an Electronic Government Procurement (e – GP) of the Local Administrative Organizations in Muang District, Ang Thong Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(1), 39–54. retrieved from