The Comparison of Women’s Level of Participation in the Local Administrations in Khok-Charoen District, Lopburi Province

The Comparison of Women’s Level of Participation in the Local Administrations in Khok-Charoen District, Lopburi Province


  • ปาราวดี ผอบแก้ว กลุ่มสตรีโคกเจริญ


Local Administration, Participation of Women, The Comparison


This study aims to study the level of participation of women in the local administrations at Khok-Charoen District, Lopburi Province, and to compare women’s level of participation in the local administrations based on their working positions, working experiences and educational levels. The four hundred women who had rights to participate in the local administrations in the area answered a questionnaire that had the reliability level at 0.88. The statistics used for data analysis were frequency, percentage, mean, standard deviation, t-test, and one-way ANOVA. The findings showed that, in overall, the women’s level of participation in the local administrations, was at the average level. When considering on each aspect ranked from the highest mean to the least, they were voting, being a membership of the interest groups, participating in local activities, taking candidacy, managing or organizing as well as supervising and monitoring. From the comparison of the women’s level of participation in the local administrations categorized by their working positions, working experience and educational levels, it found that the samples who had the different working positions held the similar views on the overall picture of women’s roles in the local administrations. However, the participants who had the differences on working experience and educational level had the diverse views on women’s roles in the local administrations, and it had the statistically significant difference at .05.


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How to Cite

ผอบแก้ว ป. (2021). The Comparison of Women’s Level of Participation in the Local Administrations in Khok-Charoen District, Lopburi Province: The Comparison of Women’s Level of Participation in the Local Administrations in Khok-Charoen District, Lopburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(1), 67–76. retrieved from