Public Services for Shizuoka City’s Elders, Shizuoka Province, Japan: Appropriate Models for Thailand

Public Services for Shizuoka City’s Elders, Shizuoka Province, Japan: Appropriate Models for Thailand


  • Teeraphat Kitjarak


Public Services, Elders, Shizuoka


Japan has entirely become the world’s first country moved towards the ‘super-aged society’, which reflects its government’s experiences in providing elders’ services. This qualitative study aims at examining public services managed for elders in Shizuoka Province of Japan as well as suggesting public service models that proper for Thai elders. To accomplish the study’s objectives, the data was gathered from various sources: documents concerning concepts and patterns in giving Japanese elders’ services, related laws, including service forms of the Office of Shizuoka city. Content analysis and participant observation were used to analyze the data. Research findings revealed that the public services, of the city explored, give priority to the elderly and deprived population who are unemployed. Lands are taken advantages by the Office differently. Various forms of the public services focus on the elders’ life, to keep them safe and healthy. For Thailand, the Provincial Administrative Organizations should manage the public services based on the New Public Service (NPS). It involves all sectors’ collaboration and specifically the populations’ awareness of public interest.


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How to Cite

Kitjarak, T. (2021). Public Services for Shizuoka City’s Elders, Shizuoka Province, Japan: Appropriate Models for Thailand: Public Services for Shizuoka City’s Elders, Shizuoka Province, Japan: Appropriate Models for Thailand. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(2), 63–78. retrieved from