Tracing Back to Drama in the Classroom History: Readers Theater

Tracing Back to Drama in the Classroom History: Readers Theater


  • Pimrawee Ruengwatthakee Department of English, Faculty of Humanities and Social Sciences, Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Readers Theaters, Literacy, Reading Strategy, EFL in Thailand


    Readers theater, a reading instructional strategy that has not received much attention in the context of teaching English as a Foreign Language (EFL) and educational research in Thailand. Importantly, little to none research on using readers theater to enhance Thai student’s English skills addressed the history of this reading method. This academic article aims to introduce readers theater through  the historical lenses. The timeline and the theory support reader theater are provided. Also, the motives that led the American society to extensively focus on literacy are discussed. Understanding the past events of reader theater could broaden EFL teachers and scholars’ perspective and to urge them of implementation the new teaching method in their English classroom. 


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How to Cite

Ruengwatthakee, P. (2021). Tracing Back to Drama in the Classroom History: Readers Theater: Tracing Back to Drama in the Classroom History: Readers Theater. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(3), 113–122. retrieved from