Factors Affecting Access to Educational Quality According to World-Class Standard Schools Criteria

Factors Affecting Access to Educational Quality According to World-Class Standard Schools Criteria


  • Supawadee Kumnadee College of Management University of Phayao.
  • Wipaporn Phuwattanaku
  • Achara Wattananarong
  • Sakchai Nirunthavee


World-Class Standard Schools Criteria, Factors Affecting the Quality of Education, Internal Factors, External Factors


   This article aims to study the factors affecting access to educational quality according to world-class standard schools criteria. The quality management has been developed with the quality system consisting of the operating system, leadership, and the promotion of personnel development of teaching and learning that is comparable to international standards. As a result, the students have desirable qualities according to their global citizenship. But from the quality improvement of the participating schools, there are still obstacles which affect access to educational quality according to word-class standard schools criteria at a higher level of quality. However, the factors affecting the quality of education can be divided into 2 groups, namely, internal factors group, consisting of, policy making, planning and design resources and practices, corporate culture, leadership of executives, personnel competency, database system development, information management and performance analysis  and there is a system of supervision and monitoring. And an external factor, including the external environment, community support, stakeholder engagement, and support of external networks. Moreover, those will affect the criteria according to world-class standard school’s criteria in 7 categories, namely leadership, strategy, customers focus, measurement, analytics and knowledge management, workforce, operations, and results which can be used to define a research conceptual framework. The knowledge can be used as a guideline for the development of an educational management model, policy formulating or further research and development


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How to Cite

Kumnadee, S., Phuwattanaku, . W. ., Wattananarong, A. ., & Nirunthavee, S. . (2021). Factors Affecting Access to Educational Quality According to World-Class Standard Schools Criteria: Factors Affecting Access to Educational Quality According to World-Class Standard Schools Criteria. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 3(3), 123–134. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/255528