Guidelines for Developing Skills for Unskilled Foreign Workers of Establishments for The Electrical and Electronic Assembly Industry in The Eastern Special Development Zone


  • kwunchida Krachan -
  • Napakkaorn Punyapapassorn
  • Teetut Tresirichod


Work Skills Development, Unskilled Foreign Workers, Electrical and Electronic Parts Industry, Eastern Special Development Zone


This research aims to study: 1. problems and obstacles in working skills of unskilled foreign workers of the establishment for the electrical and electronic assembly industry in the Eastern Special Development Zone 2. Characteristics of unskilled foreign workers according to the requirements of enterprises for the electrical and electronic assembly industry in the Eastern Special Development Zone 3. Guidelines for developing skills for unskilled foreign workers according to the requirements of enterprises for the electrical and electronic industry in the Eastern Special Development Zone, key informants in in-depth interviews were electrical and electronic industrial enterprises. In the Eastern Special Development Zone (Chonburi, Chachoengsao, and Rayong), 15 people who gave important information in the group discussions were experts, educational institutions, and related parties with a position responsibility and knowledge, abilities, and experiences in skill development by making a specific selection to design and prepare a course for developing skills for 15 unskilled foreign workers, analyzing data using content analysis techniques.

          Findings: 1. Problems and obstacles in the work skills of unskilled foreign workers; for example, foreign workers do not know and understand new technologies and innovations and lack of the skills and expertise necessary for their work. They don't understand work and culture. Lack of development and training to provide knowledge on technology, innovation and skills necessary to assemble electrical and electronic components. Lack of communication skills. 2. Approaches for developing the characteristics of unskilled foreign workers, i.e., knowledge of work required for the electrical and electronic assembly industry, using teaching methods. In terms of the ability to perform responsible tasks, apply the internship method in real-life situations. In terms of good behavior, use the method of giving notice. In good health, use the method of acting. For others, role play was used. In terms of communication skills, a mentoring system was used. 3. Guidelines for developing a curriculum for unskilled foreign workers' skills. The issue of training duration should be developed. Training objectives components of the training course were to enhance the knowledge and understanding of the fundamentals of work  to develop skills and operational expertise to change the working attitude of unskilled foreign workers.


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How to Cite

Krachan, kwunchida, Punyapapassorn, N., & Tresirichod, T. . (2022). Guidelines for Developing Skills for Unskilled Foreign Workers of Establishments for The Electrical and Electronic Assembly Industry in The Eastern Special Development Zone. LAWARATH SOCIAL E – JOURNAL, 4(2), 69–92. Retrieved from