Need Assessment to Promote Super Leadership of Educational Administrators during the 2019 Coronavirus Epidemic of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2


  • Phakaphon Ngamprasertsit -
  • Somsak Aeamkongsee


Need Assessment, Super Leadership, Educational Administrator


  The objectives of this research were to study 1) the present condition and the expected condition for having super leadership of educational administrators 2) need assessment to promote super leadership of educational administrators, and 3) guidelines to promote super leadership of educational administrators during the 2019 coronavirus epidemic of the Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2. The sample was 290 teachers. The research instrument was a dual-response format questionnaire. The reliability was .985. The data were analyzed by using percentage, mean, standard deviation, and the prioritized need index (PNImodified). The research findings revealed that 1) overall demand for the present condition having super leadership of educational administrator was high and overall demand for the expected condition having super leadership of educational administrator was highest. 2) Prioritized need index (PNImodified) to promote super leadership of educational administrators level of 0.355, Ease of self-leadership is the first requirement, followed by support for achieving self-leadership by creating a working group to facilitate a culture of self-leadership, and encourage personnel to set goals for themselves in terms of presence as a role model for personnel be a self-leader formation of positive thought patterns and making personnel to be self-leaders, respectively. 3) Approaches to promote super leadership of educational administrator followers should be encouraged to develop knowledge and skills to work regularly in order to comply with changes that happen all the time.


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How to Cite

Ngamprasertsit, P., & Aeamkongsee, S. . (2022). Need Assessment to Promote Super Leadership of Educational Administrators during the 2019 Coronavirus Epidemic of Lopburi Primary Educational Service Area Office 2 . Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(3), 43–62. Retrieved from