The Development of Learning Model Using Structuralism Theory and Peer - Assisted Learning to Enhance Interpretative Reading of Undergraduate Students


  • Phattaraporn Choihiran คณะครุศาสตร์ มหาวิทยาลัยราชภัฏธนบุรี


Learning Model, Structuralism Theory, Peer – Assisted Learning, Interpretative Reading Skills


    This research aims to: 1) develop and assess the efficiency of the learning model using structuralism theory and peer–assisted learning to enhance the interpretative reading of undergraduate students, and 2) study the effectiveness of the learning model to enhance the interpretative reading of undergraduate students. This was a pre-experimental study using one group pretest-posttest design. The samples were thirty-second-year undergraduate students majoring in Thai Language from the Faculty of Education, Dhonburi Rajabhat University. They were selected by simple random sampling. The research instruments included: 1) an interpretative reading learning model; 2) a handbook for learning model; 3) lesson plans; 4) an interpretative reading ability test and 5) a satisfaction questionnaire. The data were analyzed using mean, standard deviation, and t-test for dependent and content analysis. The findings showed that: 1. the learning model consisted of four components which included; 1) the principles, notions, and basic theories of the learning model that were determined by the learning model developer; 2) the objectives of the learning model; 3) the learning activities that consisted of 4 steps, and 4) the evaluation of the learning model; and 2. the results of determining the effectiveness of the learning model showed that: 1) the students’ average post-test scores of their interpretative reading test after using the learning model were significantly higher than their pre-test scores with a statistical significance at .05 level, and 2) with regards to the students’ satisfaction toward the learning model, it found that, overall, they had a high level of satisfaction on the learning model.


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How to Cite

Choihiran , P. . (2022). The Development of Learning Model Using Structuralism Theory and Peer - Assisted Learning to Enhance Interpretative Reading of Undergraduate Students . Lawarath Social E-Journal, 4(3), 161–182. Retrieved from