History of Lao Wiang Community from Objects, Bang plama District, Suphanburi Province


  • Sunantha Ngoenpairot Suphanburi Collage of Fine Arts


Community History, Lao Wiang , Objects


    The research aims to study the history of the Lao Wiang community and their knowledge of decorating the house with local objects and utensils at Moo 8 and Moo 10. The tool used to collect the data was an interview that was done with a total of thirty informants from the two communities.   The results showed that the two communities were related by kinship. There were two important historical factors influencing the community: the suitable settlement for arable land and religious beliefs. Lao Wiang people came from Wat Maniwan and other nearby temples known as Ban Mae Nam. The reason for their immigration was due to their farming career which the current land was more fertile. In terms of home decoration, the usefulness and simplicity of the objects were taken into great consideration because the residents usually owned Thai classic-style houses. Moreover, the community normally used local wooden material which is durable and also represents the wisdom and identity of Lao Wiang that has been adapted to the modern way of life and environment. This reflected how people reserved the beliefs that were passed down from their ancestors. The types of objects used for home decorations were classified into four categories including photographs, furniture, daily appliances, and decoration items.


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How to Cite

Ngoenpairot, S. (2023). History of Lao Wiang Community from Objects, Bang plama District, Suphanburi Province. LAWARATH SOCIAL E – JOURNAL, 5(2), 37–54. Retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/261542