The Psychological Socialization in Chinese Cartoon Short Video of LITTLE MONK YICHAN


  • Jia Minghui Kasetsart University
  • Kewalee Petcharatip Kasetsart University


Socialization, Psychological, Chinese Cartoon Short Video, Little Monk Yi Chan


   The objective of this study is to analyze psychological socialization in Chinese society through a short cartoon video, Little Monk Yi Chan《一禅小和尚》, broadcasted through Weibo from 1 January 2017 to 1 January 2020 in a total of 197 episodes. This study employed a qualitative research method by grouping the types of content, collecting statistical data, and analyzing content in the video.  The results found that there were five types of psychological socialization reflected in the cartoon. They included: 1. morality; 2. traditions; 3. belief/religion; 4. perceptions/opinions and 5. inspiration. Based on the frequency counting of the types of psychological socialization appearing in each episode, perception/opinion was mostly found at 70.89%. This socialization type covered six sub-issues which were: the perceptions/opinions on becoming an adult, on love, on living, on interpersonal relationships, on personality, and on emotions/feelings. These psychological socializations corresponded to the psychological characteristics of Chinese people and reflected their needs for psychological support in nowadays. This cartoon not only provided Chinese audiences with useful life lessons but also encouraged them to review their lives. On the other hand, the tradition type was found the least.


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How to Cite

Minghui , J., & Petcharatip, K. (2023). The Psychological Socialization in Chinese Cartoon Short Video of LITTLE MONK YICHAN. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 5(2), 153–174. retrieved from