Learning, Developing and Inheriting Process of Mudmee Weaving Wisdom for Creative Tourism Promotion Based-On Cultural Capital by Community-Based Tourism Management of Tai-Puan Hinpak Sub-District, Banmee District, Lopburi Province


  • Kasak Tekhanmag Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Panitsupa Thamxramual Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Kanda Tekhanmag Phra Nakhon Si Ayutthaya Rajabhat University


Learning and Transmission Process, Mudmee Weaving Wisdom, Cultural Capital


   This research aims to study the processes of learning, developing, and inheriting the Mudmee weaving wisdom. It is regarded as an important cultural capital that is a base to support a creative tourism promotion following a community-based tourism management of the Thai-Puan community, Hinpuk sub-district, Banmee district, Lopburi province. This qualitative research collected data from thirty-four key informants who were selected using a purposive sampling and a snowball sampling. They were divided into two groups: fifteen village sage, village wisemen, and local leaders, and nineteen Tai-Puan, Mudmee weaving wisemen. The data were collected by doing a field study (community survey, in-depth interview, non-participant observation, focus group discussion, and documentary research. Data and methodological triangulation were employed to validate data, and Typological Content Analysis was used for data analysis.   The main findings were: 1. in terms of community contexts, the economy condition and the Thai-Puan cultural capitals influenced Thai-Puan Mudmee weaving wisdom;      2. for the learning process of the weaving wisdom, it was passed down through household and communities system that the ex-generations taught their descendants to learn how to do patterns, tying, coloring, and weaving; 3. for the development of the weaving wisdom, it was instructed and transferred orally. People exchanged their knowledge and experiences, tried new techniques, or learned some techniques from government offices. Mudmee weaving was supported and developed by public businesses, government sections, customers, and Tai-Puan wiseman. All of these supports lead to the local wisdom reservation and transmission and high-standard Mudmee clothes. The development also supports local people to have stable jobs and incomes as the Mudmee weaving group is strong and independent. The group is a renounced weaving group in the province and also gains many awards and 4. the inheriting process of the weaving wisdom of  Thai-Puan community, was done through families, community, and workshops. The inheritances were the descendants of the weaving group, members of the weaving group, people in the community, and those who were interested in weaving. The contents that they learned included patterning, tying, coloring, weaving, and goods value-adding techniques.


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How to Cite

Tekhanmag, K. ., Thamxramual, P. ., & Tekhanmag, K. . (2023). Learning, Developing and Inheriting Process of Mudmee Weaving Wisdom for Creative Tourism Promotion Based-On Cultural Capital by Community-Based Tourism Management of Tai-Puan Hinpak Sub-District, Banmee District, Lopburi Province. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 5(2), 135–152. retrieved from https://so04.tci-thaijo.org/index.php/lawarathjo/article/view/265680