Management of Property after Death without a Will
Property Management, a Will, Administrator of an Estate , Collective OwnershipAbstract
This article aims to study the laws regarding the property management of the deceased who had no will through the methods of collecting and summarizing the laws and regulations. This aims to effectively clarify the property management of the dead and it would be helpful for people who are interested in this matter, so they could have a better understanding and act on the case legally. Based on the fact that some people when they die, do not leave their will, there will always be some problems with property inheritance and management. Many problems arise including the inheritance of the deceased before they died, the claims of the deceased before they died, the responsibility to pay the debt that the deceased had before they died, and the problem of inheritance. Moreover, there is the issue of the person who would have the authority to manage the property of the deceased. Therefore, they could choose which heirs could become the administrator of the estate or what laws and regulations could be employed for the management of the property.
The study of property management in the case of the deceased who did not write a will found that the deceased could have completed a will appointing an administrator of the estate before his death. However, if the deceased did not make a will to appoint anyone for such purpose, an heir who had an interest in the property might request the court for the appointment of a person accepted by the heir as the administrator of the estate. A candidate for the administrator could be an heir who had an interest in the property or could be a trustworthy third party that could manage the property fairly. However, if the deceased's heir cannot appoint anybody as an administrator of the estate, this can lead to problems in the management of the deceased's property. In this case, the law on collective ownership was compulsorily implemented to manage the property.
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