The Implementation of the Rules and Treatment of Offenders in the Prisons Chai Badan Lopburi (2017)


  • Siwawet Charapun Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Wasita Kerdphol Prasopsak Thepsatri Rajabhat University
  • Mayuri Rattanasermpong Thepsatri Rajabhat University


Correction Act Code Section 21, Using Penitentiary Machine, Prisoners


  This research aims to: 1. study the opinions on the enforcement of the Corrections Act, B.E. 2560, regarding the use of restraints on prisoners in Chai Badan District Prison, Lopburi Province, and 2. propose guidelines for the use of restraints on prisoners.  A questionnaire was used to collect data from 64 respondents, and the data were analyzed using statistical measures including percentage, mean, and standard deviation. The relevant findings were then summarized.   The research findings revealed that the overall implementation of the Corrections Act, B.E. 2560, in Chai Badan District Prison, Lopburi Province, was at a high level (µ = 4.00). When considering each aspect in descending order of average value, the results were as follows: 1. the implementation of strategies and plans (µ = 4.20), emphasizing teamwork in managing prisoners; 2. control and inspection: emphasis was placed on applying legal principles to control prisoners using restraints; 3. personnel operations (µ = 4.02): emphasis was placed on the Department of Corrections' authority to treat offenders according to court rulings; 4. administration (µ = 3.86): emphasis was placed on administrators' understanding of the process of using restraints and 5. application in operations (µ = 3.79): emphasis was placed on the fair selection of the size or type of restraints for controlling prisoners. Recommendations suggest that the use of restraints should be clearly defined and that senior management should have the authority to order the use of restraints to prevent human rights violations, taking into account the prisoners' rights and freedoms.  


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How to Cite

Charapun, . S., Kerdphol Prasopsak, W. ., & Rattanasermpong, M. . (2024). The Implementation of the Rules and Treatment of Offenders in the Prisons Chai Badan Lopburi (2017). Lawarath Social E-Journal, 6(2), 121–136. retrieved from