The Air Force Civil Servants ‘s Quality of Working Life at Chai Badan Air Weapons Training Field Chaibadan District Lopburi Province
Quality of Work Life, Air Force Civil Servants, Chai Badan Air Weapons Training RangeAbstract
This research aims to: 1. study the level of work-life quality among Royal Thai Air Force officers at the Chai Badan Air Weapon Training Range, Lopburi Province and 2. compare personal factors with the quality of work-life levels of the Royal Thai Air Force officers. A quantitative research approach was employed with the samples of 112 Royal Thai Air Force officers of the organization. The data collection tools included a questionnaire with a content validity index (IOC) ranging from 0.67 to 1.00 and a Cronbach's alpha reliability coefficient of 0.971. For data analysis, percentage, mean (), standard Deviation (S.D.), and F-test were employed.
The results showed that 1. the overall quality of work-life among Royal Thai Air Force officers at the Chai Badan Air Weapon Training Range, was rated at a high level. When considering specific aspects, the highest average was found in personal development, followed by a safe and hygienic environment and career advancement and job security, and work-life balance was rated the lowest and 2. a comparison of work-life quality based on marital status revealed statistically significant differences at the .05 level, while differences in job positions showed statistically significant differences at the .001 level. However, no statistically significant differences were found based on age, education level, income, or work experience.
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