Study on the Method of Translation Chinese Medicine Vocabulary into Thai Case Study Terminologies on Treatment Principles/Methods and Therapies in Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary Volume 1


  • Panyaporn Vechapatpong Kasetsart University
  • Warisa Asavaratana Kasetsart University


Vocabulary, Chinese Medicine, Method of Translation, Chinese


   The objective of this research is to explore the translation strategies of Chinese medical terminology into Thai in the Chinese Medical Terminology Dictionary, Volume 1 by the Department of Thai Traditional and Alternative Medicine, Ministry of Public Health. The analysis emphasized on the 363 terms in the category Treatment Principles/Methods and Therapies (治则、治法与疗法).

   The findings revealed five translation strategies which were literal translation, explanatory addition, modification, transliteration, and omission. The literal translation was primarily employed as the translation of specialized terms prioritizes the preservation of the original meaning and accuracy. This is often supplemented by explanatory additions or modifications to enhance clarity. The omission strategy was used for terms with minor significance to avoid distorting the core meaning. Translators strived to retain the original intention and made minimal modifications. The adjustments are employed only when the literal translation fails to accurately and clearly convey a certain specific meaning. The transliteration method, which can insufficiently convey the original meaning, was primarily used for terms or names that are difficult to translate or substitute in the Thai language, making it the least used strategy observed in this study. 


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How to Cite

Vechapatpong , P. ., & Asavaratana, W. . (2024). Study on the Method of Translation Chinese Medicine Vocabulary into Thai Case Study Terminologies on Treatment Principles/Methods and Therapies in Traditional Chinese Medicine Dictionary Volume 1. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 6(3), 77–94. retrieved from