Yunnan Feminist Artists' Living Environment and Interpretation of Artistic Language—A Case Study of Sun Guojuan and Fu Liya


  • Guo Yexin Silpakorn University


Feminist Art, Yunnan Characteristics, Female Artists, Yunnan Culture, Social Context, Interpretation of Artistic Language


  This study explores the living environment and artistic language of Yunnan female artists, Sun Guojuan and Fu Liya. Through an in-depth analysis of the works of these two artists, the article revealed how they integrated their own female experiences and cultural backgrounds into their artistic creations. Sun Guojuan's work reflected her exploration of multicultural identities and the unique expression of the female body and mind. Fu Liya's works were deeply influenced by her multiple roles as mother, wife, and artist, showing the different faces of women in family and society.

   This article aims to deepen the understanding of Yunnan female artists' artistic expression and social roles through case studies of Sun Guojuan and Fu Liya while exploring how their creative works influence and promote the development of female art. Additionally, the paper explores their experiences attending Judy Chicago's feminist art event in Lugu Lake, Lijiang, and provides a new perspective for understanding female artists in Yunnan and contributes to a global study of female art.  

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How to Cite

Yexin, G. (2024). Yunnan Feminist Artists’ Living Environment and Interpretation of Artistic Language—A Case Study of Sun Guojuan and Fu Liya. Lawarath Social E-Journal, 6(3), 149–160. retrieved from