Platform Neutrality Principle and Online Intermediaries

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Warut Songsujaritkul


Platform service providers, such as search engines, online marketplaces, and social networks, are becoming new online gatekeepers playing an important role in publicizing content, developing social relationships, and organizing online transactions. Information, that is undetectable or otherwise remains excluded from these platforms, is almost non-existent in the acknowledgment of Internet users. However, these platforms are potentially non-neutral in a variety of ways that can significantly distort the experiences of most of their users. Numerous cases illustrate how these online intermediaries undermine the flow of information from speaker to listener. They do so by censoring content and applying bases for discrimination that listeners would not have chosen. To address this problem, this article examines the ‘platform neutrality’ principle focusing on the responsibilities and liabilities that online intermediaries should bear. Since online intermediaries have certain characteristics, combining those of telecommunication service providers and media entities, the application of platform neutrality on online intermediaries is needed to oblige accountability on how result recommendation presented to Internet users. Various values should be present in such a framework such as the value of relevant and unbiased result recommendation; the value of transparency concerning algorithms, and respect for the dignity of the users recognizing how information is presented. 

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How to Cite
Songsujaritkul, Warut. “Platform Neutrality Principle and Online Intermediaries”. Naresuan University Law Journal 17, no. 1 (June 20, 2024): 1–22. Accessed October 6, 2024.
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