Notification of change in payment method for journal subscription fees
Payment Methods
Transfer money account name
Faculty of Law Naresuan University
Krung Thai Bank
Account number 857-0-24197-6
In case you are not the author, please send proof of payment to or fax 0 5596 1740 (download journal subscription form)
In case you are the author, please proof of payment to journal system after submission has been completed in the system. download journal subscription form and article proposal form for publication
Note: **** Member must submit proof of money transfer immediately after the money transfer is complete*****
Related announcements:
The ISSN Modification
We would like to inform you of the ISSN Modification. Previously, the Naresuan University Law Journal's ISSN was ISSN: 1906-425X (Print) and ISSN: 2466-3829 (Online). Both of them will have become ISSN: 2985-2064 (Print) and ISSN: 2985-2072 (Online) since Vol. 16 No. 2 (July - December 2023), accordingly.
Naresuan University Law journal
The journal does not charge any submission fees or page charges.We are very welcome both academicand research articles. (English and Thai)
In order to publicize your article, kindly submit through the link attached
Naresuan University Law Journal has been approved into the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)
Naresuan University Law Journal has been approved into the ASEAN Citation Index (ACI)
Since September 14, 2017, and therefore has been included in the ACI database.