Guidelines for Preventing Terrorism Under the Law: A Comparative Study of the European Union and the ASEAN Community

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Tirawat Pratumthong


Contemporary terrorism continues to represent a significant and pervasive global issue. Studying legal frameworks for terrorism prevention is consequently a crucial method for assessing the efficacy of enforcement measures. In this study, the researcher examines legal principles and agreements at the regional level, specifically analyzing the European Union and the ASEAN Community, to compare enforcement outcomes. The findings indicated that In terms of legal developments within the European Union, there was a significant harmonization of laws aimed at criminalizing individuals engaged in terrorist activities. The initiation of guidelines to assist victims of terrorism, verify financial support, control arms, verify immigration, and enhance cybersecurity is essential for improving safety structures and supporting efficient operations. As for the legal developments of the ASEAN Community for implementation under the Agreement on Terrorism, it was found that the cooperation structures that have been implemented are still limited, with cooperation being at the bilateral level more than the regional level. Amidst varying management styles, the ASEAN community has utilized regional meetings as a pivotal mechanism to foster mutual understanding and establish fundamental principles aimed at preventing terrorism. Thus, the researcher perceives that the establishment of specialized agencies at the regional level to supervise and prevent terrorist activities would culminate in the establishment of a cohesive operational model, thereby enhancing both theoretical frameworks and practical implementation.

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How to Cite
Pratumthong, Tirawat. “Guidelines for Preventing Terrorism Under the Law: A Comparative Study of the European Union and the ASEAN Community”. Naresuan University Law Journal 17, no. 1 (June 20, 2024): 121–147. Accessed December 22, 2024.
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