Dimensions of Online Arbitration in Thailand
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This research aims to study the current situation, obstacles, and development guidelines for online arbitration in Thailand, which is an important innovation in dispute resolution in the digital age. However, the development in the Thai context is still limited and delayed compared to other countries. The research results show that although online arbitration has the potential to increase the efficiency of dispute resolution, there are still many significant problems and obstacles, such as the lack of clarity in the legal framework, limitations in technology infrastructure, lack of specialized personnel, and lack of knowledge and understanding among service users. Therefore, the research proposes important policy recommendations, which are; establishing national policies and strategies, improving laws, investing in technology development, developing personnel capabilities, and creating knowledge and understanding for service users. This requires cooperation from all sectors to drive and mobilize development so that online arbitration in Thailand can meet international standards and become an important mechanism for providing efficient alternative justice. This will help support the growth of the digital economy and truly respond to the needs of society in the digital age.
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