Members Participation Model of Cluster Business Management: A Case Study of the Fashion and Lifestyle Cluster under the Federation of Thai Industry

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Boriboon Pinprayong
Kingporn Thongbai


The aims of this study were to investigate and identify the participation model of members in fashion and lifestyle cluster, the Federation of Thai
Industries and to identify the strategies for member participation in cluster business management. Data for this qualitative study were collected through interviews with 36 committee members of nine industry groups. Interview data
were then used to analyze the participation model using a diamond model, SWOT, and TOWS Matrix analyses, with results supporting the development
of a participation mode. The results showed that first, the model of member participation in the business group was the industry group representative system, in which one member is elected as serve on the Cluster Management Committee as per the regulations of the Federation of Thai Industries. The Cluster Management Committee is responsible for organizing activities, preparing meeting agendas, and informing and inviting general members to participate in the cluster activities. Second, while the analysis of relevant member participation models in the Fashion and Lifestyle Cluster suggested that the cluster member participation was limited by the regulations of the Federation of Thai Industries, members had the opportunity to independently
seek cooperation across industries, as appropriate, in relation to the supply chain. Finally, based on the examination of member participation strategies
in business management cluster, four sub strategies were found, including 1) proactive strategies emphasizing participation in supply chain and cluster product promotion activities with the government sector, 2) passive strategies
focusing on new market-seeking activities and negotiations with financial institutions in the public and private sectors, 3) corrective strategy supporting negotiations with government to resolve trade privileges with trading partners, and 4) preventive strategies to identify new sources of raw materials and propose business projects for government funding.

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How to Cite
Pinprayong, B., & Thongbai, K. (2022). Members Participation Model of Cluster Business Management: A Case Study of the Fashion and Lifestyle Cluster under the Federation of Thai Industry. MBA-KKU Journal, 14(2), 75–99. Retrieved from


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