Guidelines for Increasing Online Shop Sales Volume by Applying Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study of the doyoulike_shopping Shop

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Nichapa Wongsumdang
Adchariya Auppakarakul


The objective of this study was to examine the impact of doyoulike_ shopping customers’ positive experiences on product selection. Results were used to develop a guideline to increase sales by a minimum 20% or 84,000 baht per year. Data were collected from 50 participants through an interview and were analyzed to identify common and outstanding factors driving product sales. Further, PEST and SOAR analyses together with Business Model and Value Proposition canvases were conducted to develop a guideline to increase the shop’s sale volumes. Results demonstrated that
the common factors driving customer purchases included product quality, the match between the product photos and the actual products, store credibility, and the service quality—which included well-defined product details, rapid shipping, and effective promotion. Outstanding factors included shop owner’ integrity and after-sales services. Study findings were subsequently used as a guideline to develop activities to increase the shop’s sale volume between April and May, 2021. Results support that shop sales increased 5,250 baht in April and 6,400 baht in May, or a 21.90% increase. Suggested future activities include increasing sales channels, wining hearts, and achieving a 100% match between photos and the products.

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How to Cite
Wongsumdang, N., & Auppakarakul, A. (2022). Guidelines for Increasing Online Shop Sales Volume by Applying Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study of the doyoulike_shopping Shop. MBA-KKU Journal, 14(2), 55–74. Retrieved from


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