Business Model of Online Media Design Using Canvas

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ณัฏฐณิชา ธรรมรังษี


This research aimed 1) to study behavior of service using and factors, which affected decision making 2) to study external environment and marketing mix in order to design business prototype of online visual communication by using business model canvas. The research was qualitative and quantitative research, which was conducted by survey and literatures, in order to design 400 copies of mix methods survey. Statistic analysis clarified frequency and percentage by using package program. By findings, the majority of audience was women aged between 20-30 years old, waged 9,001-20,000 baths per month. The decision making was driven by themselves, being a small enterprise, sharing and word of mouth. Source of searching was Facebook and Twitter. The audience decided by beautiful design, easy to contact with artist, and reachable price. Service marketing mix, there was standard price and fees; including deposit, design, location official work and discount for old customer. The results of business model canvas included customer management whether new or old customer. Customer relationship included satisfaction survey, promotion and online communication. Key partners included electronic supplies shop, design program, picture-sale website, print-media store, sigh manufacturer and packaging manufacturer. Key resources included intellectual resource, physical resource and capital. Channel included online channel via Facebook fanpage. Revenue stream was design fees. Cost structure included employee wage, designer program fees, design tools, rent. The revenue was expected to increase 10% in next year. According to design, it indicated steps, entire business dimension, business plan, connection, promotion plan, necessary of business running and financial management.

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