Business Model of Online Media Design Using Business Canvas

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Nuttanicha Thummarungsri
Wichian Voraputthaporn


This independent study aims to examine 1) service behavior impacting customers’ decision-making 2) external environment and marketing mix in order to design a business prototype for an online visual
communication firm by using a business model canvas. The study adopted a qualitative and quantitative research design by using a survey and
documentary research. The data were collected from 400 participants and were analyzed using a statistical analysis (i.e., frequency and percentage).
The results revealed that the majority of participants were women aged between 20-30 years old with an income of approximately 9,001-20,000 bahts per month. They were the people who made decisions to use services by choosing small companies or through word-of-mouth communication. The main search engines used were Facebook and Twitter. Factors contributing
to their decision included beautiful design, easy to contact artists, and reasonable prices. Factors regarding service marketing mix included standard fees (e.g., deposit, design), offices, and marketing campaigns to give discounts to returning customers. The results from the business model
canvas showed that customer management was required for both new and old customers. To create effective customer relationships, there should be
a satisfaction survey, promotions for both old and new customers, and online communication with customers to offer them product information and
promotions. Key partners included electronic supply shops, design programs, picture-sale websites, print-media stores, sign manufacturers, and packaging manufacturers. Key resources included intellectual, physical, and capital resources. Channels to access customers included online channels via a Facebook fanpage. The revenue stream was from design fees. The
cost structure included employee wages, designer program fees, design tools, and office rent. The revenue was expected to increase by 10% in the following year. The results from the canvas design provided the information on steps for all aspects of the entire business and the business plan, namely
activities at the initial phase, connection building, market promotion, key factors to run a business, and financial management.

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How to Cite
Thummarungsri, N., & Voraputthaporn, W. (2022). Business Model of Online Media Design Using Business Canvas. MBA-KKU Journal, 15(1), 41–61. Retrieved from


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