Analysis of Factors Affecting Savings Decisions for Aging Society of Generation Y Consumers in Chiang Mai Province

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Pitima Diskulnetivitya
Tip Sirivatanapa
Niyata Kawewong


This study aims to examine factors affecting future saving decisions to prepare for the aging society of Generation Y consumers in Chiang Mai province. A questionnaire was used to collect the data from 400 generation Y consumers in Mueang district, Chiang Mai province. The results revealed that the participants had a moderate level of knowledge and understanding of future saving to prepare for an aging society. The average score was 5.99
out of 10. They agreed that future saving to prepare for an aging society was necessary (Mean = 3.90 on a scale of 5). In regard to their own saving
behavior, it was found that 85.8% of the participants had some savings, but only 56.0 percent had savings for the aging society. The results of the logistic regression analysis with a logit model showed that factors related to saving behavior for the aging society included knowledge and understanding about saving money for their old age and positive opinions about savings and income.

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How to Cite
Diskulnetivitya, P., Sirivatanapa, T., & Kawewong, N. (2022). Analysis of Factors Affecting Savings Decisions for Aging Society of Generation Y Consumers in Chiang Mai Province. MBA-KKU Journal, 15(1), 62–85. Retrieved from


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