The Cost-Effectiveness of the Change in Rice Production using Quality Technology in the Paddy Field Areas of Farmers in Sisaket Province The Cost-Effectiveness of the Change in Rice Production using Quality Technology in the Paddy Field Areas of Farmers in Sisaket Province

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chutima makhakvun


The purpose of this research was to compare the cost-effectiveness of rice cultivation by farmers in Sisaket province between traditional and new technological methods. The data were collected from both formal and informal leaders consisting of village wise persons, agricultural district and sub-district chiefs, farmer group leaders, village headmen, group members, and household members. The research methods consisted of a structured interview and a focus group discussion. The findings revealed that a new technology-enhanced production method lowered cultivation costs, demonstrating the high cost-effectiveness of this approach to rice cultivation compared with the traditional technological method.

Keywords: Cost-effectiveness in production, Changing rice production technology, Rice production in the field

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