Guidelines for Increasing Online Sales Volume by Applying Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study of BIGTOY 2018 Limited Partnership

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Nisachon Tapla
Adchariya Auppakarakul


This independent study titled “Guidelines for Increasing Online Sales Volume by Applying Appreciative Inquiry” is based on a case study of
Bigtoy 2018 Limited Partnership. This study utilizes a qualitative approach to examine Bigtoy’s use of best practices for selling products and services and
methods for increasing sales through online channels to generate sales and increase competitiveness in the digital era. A total of 30 sample groups were interviewed to identify common factors and dominant points and analyze the competitive environment using the strengths, opportunity, aims, and results (SOAR) method. The study showed that the most common points were the variety of products, staff service, information updates, new products, and online promotions (e.g., activities shared via Facebook). Based on the SOAR analysis and the outstanding point of Line Official Account, the findings were as follows: the key strengths included being located near the target group, the opportunity was popular trends in online society, the business aimed to serve as a wholesaler and retailer in the local area, and the expected result was an increase in social media followers of 20 people per month or 10 percent. The results of the study prompted the implementation of two short term projects. The first was called “Like & Share to Get Double Luck” and ran between February and March 2022. It resulted in the shop experiencing a monthly sales growth of 10,000 baht or 10 percent of total sales, with an increase of 100 likes on social media. For the second project, “Big Toy Tik Tok” (February and March 2022), customers who bought products through the shop’s Facebook fan page generated a 10-percent growth in total sales and an increase of 100 likes. Long-term projects have been proposed for the future.

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How to Cite
Tapla, N., & Auppakarakul, A. (2022). Guidelines for Increasing Online Sales Volume by Applying Appreciative Inquiry: A Case Study of BIGTOY 2018 Limited Partnership. MBA-KKU Journal, 15(2), 1–24. Retrieved from


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