Development of Seasoning Insect Products to Add Value to Insects

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Thichakorn Kasornbua
Thanyaporn Praeyat
Onuma Hongtong
Waridsara Sretham


This study aims to develop seasoned insect products as
a means of adding value to insects. A qualitative research approach was adopted, employing a structured interview form as the research tool. The target participants consisted of representative consumers of seasoned insects. Content analysis was used for data analysis. The results revealed
that for all three types of insects, the roasting technique resulted in the longest-lasting crunchiness and the lowest moisture content. Seasoning power should be separated to prevent the insects from becoming moist. The selected product packaging was a zip lock bag made of BOPP+PET+PP material. The brand name “ME: D” was chosen. The two-syllable name demonstrates legible labeling in both Thai and English, representing high-quality and enjoyable products. Specific flavors including cheese,
barbecue, and seaweed, were determined. A survey on the satisfaction of ten key informants was conducted to gather their opinions on various aspects of seasoned insect products. Regarding the product itself, the key informants
commonly described the insects as crunchy and nutty with a strong flavor although some flavors were perceived as pungent. In terms of pricing, the key informants generally agreed on a price of 30 baht for the seasoned insect product. For the distribution channel, the key informants suggested that community shops were a suitable place for selling the product due to accessibility and lower competition compared to other channels. Regarding
promotion, the key informants mostly emphasized the importance of providing free tastings.

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How to Cite
Kasornbua, T., Praeyat, T., Hongtong, O., & Sretham, W. (2023). Development of Seasoning Insect Products to Add Value to Insects. MBA-KKU Journal, 16(1), 26–45. Retrieved from


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