The Adaptation Approach in Pharmaceutical Business During the Coronavirus Pandemic 2019 at the Upper Northeastern Thailand: Case Study Evidence of the Smofkabiven (Parenteral Nutrition)

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Panisara Oankaew
Patarakhuan Pila-Ngam


The purposes of this study were to examine 1) the behavior about Smofkabiven peripheral of the doctors, and the marketing mix factors affecting the decision to use Smofkabiven (parenteral nutrition), and          2) setting the approach for maintain sales volume and market share of Smofkabiven at the Upper Northeastern, Thailand. This study adopted a mixed methods research design. Data were collected by using a questionnaire. A sample was select from the 85 doctors from 12 hospitals and interview with 3 medical professors in the field of surgery at the upper of Northeastern, Thailand. The research were analyzed using a statistical analysis (i.e., frequency and percentage). The results revealed that the majority of participants used parenteral nutrition in patient department and the parenteral nutrition provided is Smofkabive. The marketing mix factors affecting the decision to use parenteral nutrition were ingredients in products that are beneficial to patients, product quality, the product has research to support the patient's treatment results, physicians were comfortable ordering or taking medications, providing clear product information, and the product contains documentation and research as well as a reference guideline. The person who influences prescribing was the doctors who supervises the patient. After that, PESTE analysis, Five forces model, SWOT analysis, and TOWS Matrix were analyzed. The finding indicates that online academic activities by using knowledge, medical representative have communication skills to present about quality of products to beneficial for patients will maintain a good relationship with customers and maintain market share and sales.

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How to Cite
Oankaew, P., & Pila-Ngam, P. (2023). The Adaptation Approach in Pharmaceutical Business During the Coronavirus Pandemic 2019 at the Upper Northeastern Thailand: Case Study Evidence of the Smofkabiven (Parenteral Nutrition). MBA-KKU Journal, 16(2), 118–145. Retrieved from


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