Development of a Sustainable Internal Quality Assurance System Integrated with Regular Work for Undergraduate Institution of National Defence Studies Institute, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters : Causal Factors Affecting Internal Quality Assurance Operations and Quidelines for Sustainable Quality Assurance by Integrating with Normal work

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โชติ จันทร์วัง
พงศ์เทพ จิระโร
เสกสรรค์ ทองคำบรรจง


          The purpose of this research is to develop a sustainable internal quality assurance system that is integrated with the regular work for the undergraduate institution of the National Defence, Studies Institute, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters. This presentation is a result of the analysis of the causal factors that affect the performance of internal quality assurance and the analysis of the internal quality assurance guidelines in a sustainable way that integrated with the regular work. The sample is the staff in the undergraduate institutions of the National Defence Studies Institute, Royal Thai Armed Forces Headquarters number of 402 for responding questionnaires and 30 for the interview and focus group. Instruments used in this study were questionnaires with the 5 level rating scale about factors that affect performance of internal quality assurance and structured interview about internal quality assurance guidelines in a sustainable way that integrated with the regular work. Data were analyzed using descriptive statistics: mean, standard deviation, and structural equation model by using the LISREL program and analyzing data from interviews and focus groups with content analysis.

          The research found that the internal quality assurance system factor have the most impact on the performance of internal quality assurance, followed by the organizational context and staff factors. The results of the path analysis found that the performance of internal quality assurance factor was effected by organizational context and the internal quality assurance system factors with the size of effect of 0.45 and 0.20, respectively. The internal quality assurance system factor was directly affected by organizational context and staff factors which the size of effects were 0.30 and 0.43, respectively. The database and information system factor was directly effected by organizational context and administrator factors which the size of effects were 0.52 and 0.36, respectively. For the guidelines for sustainable internal quality assurance system that integrated with the regular work found that the development of knowledge and understanding of quality assurance for personnel has the most important, followed by the administrator realizes the value of educational quality assurance and has the ability to manage the organization.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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