A Model of Confirmatory Factor Analysis of Communication Behavior in Organization through Social Media of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School
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This research aims to analyze and verify a model of confirmatory factor analysis of Communication behavior in organizations through social media use of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School personnel. The sample group in this research includes 400 Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School personnel who use the LINE application for internal communication, selected by simple random sampling. The questionnaire is composed of the seven-point scale with reliability at 0.98 is applied to the collection of the data. The statistics used for data analysis are skewness, kurtosis, and the second order confirmatory factor analysis. The findings are as follows: a model of confirmatory factor analysis of communication behavior in organizations through social media use of the Armed Forces Academies Preparatory School personnel consists of six factors which are 1) performance expectancy for social media, 2) effort expectancy of using social media, 3) social influence toward the use of social media, 4) facilitating conditions of the use of social media, 5) behavioral intention of using social media, and 6) behavior of using social media for internal communication. The result of this research is consistent with the empirical data. The standardized factor loading of every indicator shows high criterion with statistical significance at 0.001 and can be utilized to measurecommunication behavior in organizations.
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