Thai National Soft Power within the 21st Century

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Ing-Orn Nedtranon


The research aims to 1) study the actual Thai National Soft Power within the 21st century existing in the Thai governance during B.E. 2544-2560, 2) explore the practical features of Thai National Soft Power within the 21st century during B.E. 2560-2563, and 3) propose the more applicable Thai National Soft Power within the 21st century conceptualized model. The methodologies applied are the focusedgroup

and in-depth interview including academic documents, journal, and related papers.

The findings regarding the presumption on the actual “Thai National Powers applied in the present governance appear inadequate for coping with the changing globalization demands

is true in which the potential Thai National Soft Power within the 21st century genres in the form of hard powers tend to utilize soft powers instead. Therefore, soft power indicators are as follows: the Monarchy, Buddhism, Sufficiency Economy Philosophy, Buddhist, Thai identities and culture, values, public policies, Thai local products/One Thumbon, One Product or OTOP, Thai foods, plays and movies, natural resources, modernized Thai medical care and alternative medicine, education institutes, Thai sports, golf, boxing: Thai-international, badminton, Strategic communications: Artificial Intelligence (AI) and Information Operation (IO), in the form of campaigns. However, the holistic view of the practical national power linkage appears unclear. At present, the term “Soft Power” should be used in the form of transliteration.

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บทความวิจัย (Research Articles)


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